Saturday, 2 June 2012

NOTD: 1st June 2012

Essence 86 A Lovely Secret

When I first applied this colour I thought I was going to have a tonne of trouble with it, the first layer was super sheer. I thought it would be at least 5 coats to make opaque. But in 3 coats it had a fabulous coverage. While I would prefer it to be 2 coats only, I'm realistic that it's a $2 nail polish! I love love love the colour! I can't stop staring at my nails!


  1. I have OPI Do You Lilac It? Which is a similar colour I haven't whipped that out in ages. Thanks for the reminder, I also have a new Essence polish I need to post about. Looks lovely.

  2. Looks lovely. I really like this colour!!!

    I find the same with my pastel NYC polishes. It takes about 3 coats to look decent, but they only cost $2 from Woolies so I can't complain :p and they last several days before they chip so definitely not wanting to complain.

    1. I have Chanel, OPI etc and I really don't find there to be much difference! I'd much rather pay $2 instead of $20-30!

  3. It is a gorgeous colour! Sometimes the cheapy ones are surprisingly good. And you can afford to have a much wider range of colours! :)

    1. The colour choices are sometimes much nicer too!


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