Wednesday, 20 June 2012

Last Minute Baby Purchases

We haven't had to buy very much for the new arrival because we still have everything from the first time around and having another boy also makes things a lot easier and cheaper. Oh boy would we be in trouble if we were having a girl haha

A few last minute purchases:

Love To Swaddle Up (image via

We used these for our first baby and they are so great! Makes midnight changes much quicker and bubs sleeps a lot better due to not being able to wriggle out of it! Had to buy a couple of new ones though as the old ones are pretty grubby, even after soaking.

Prince Lionheart Change Table Diaper Caddy (image via

I've been looking for this for ages. Finally managed to order one last night. Just makes change time easier as everything is right there so you don't have to go rummaging around the shelves of the change table for wipes, nappies etc. Would like to have gotten the wipes warmer too but I think it's a bit gimmicky.

Living Textiles 'Ollie' Blanket (image via

I ordered a handmade blanket from Etsy for the munchkin and I absolutely love it but the seller doesn't make them anymore dammit and I wanted something a bit special for the new baby. I've searched high and low for a nice blanket and while this isn't particularly 'special' it's quite cute and a good size.

Still looking for a portable change mat to shove in the baby bag and I like the Skip Hop ones but I think $60 is a bit much to spend on something like that and I can't seem to find much else in the shops. Might just end up using a towel or something for a while.

We are really struggling to think of a boys name! We had a name chosen but a close friend just used it! We hadn't spoken about it so it was a total coincidence! We'd like something classic but they seem to be very popular at the moment and we can't seem to think of anything that hasn't been used by someone we know already. Any suggestions are welcome!

39 Weeks

So I've made it to 39 weeks. My last update was that I needed to have a scan, well bubs is perfectly fine and looks to be a healthy size so that's nothing to worry about. Unfortunately for me I've been in complete agony in my back and legs for the past few weeks. I think it's mainly due to putting on so much weight this pregnancy as last time I didn't put on nearly as much and I had no pain.

Luckily my husband is taking leave from this weekend so he will be able to look after the little munchkin until the new bub arrives. I'm finding it near impossible to do it on my own at the moment so I can't wait to have him home!

We are pretty organised now for bubs arrival. The boys will eventually share a bedroom but for the first few months the baby will be in our room. Hopefully he is a good sleeper!

Another reason for the no blogging is that my laptop is failing miserably. I am considering replacing it with an ipad and then maybe down the line getting a desktop. I find having a laptop is more trouble than it's worth as it is so clunky. So for anyone with an ipad, am I crazy to get one instead of a new laptop? I plan on getting a keyboard to use with it when blogging or anything else that requires extensive typing but other than that I can't see any reason why it wouldn't be a good replacement? Any thoughts?

My next obstetrician appointment is Monday morning, crossing my fingers that I'll be holding my baby boy before then!

Tuesday, 5 June 2012

OOTD: 4th June 2012

Sweater - Supre, Leggings - Big W, Scarf - Ice, Boots - Tony Bianco

Lips - MAC Girl About Town

Saturday, 2 June 2012

NOTD: 1st June 2012

Essence 86 A Lovely Secret

When I first applied this colour I thought I was going to have a tonne of trouble with it, the first layer was super sheer. I thought it would be at least 5 coats to make opaque. But in 3 coats it had a fabulous coverage. While I would prefer it to be 2 coats only, I'm realistic that it's a $2 nail polish! I love love love the colour! I can't stop staring at my nails!

Friday, 1 June 2012

A Few Things

As promised, here's a few pics of the things I've picked up in the sales so far.

Colette have 50% off all jewellery:

Colette everything pictured $6.48 each

Diva have a sale on but I bought this full price after wanting it for ages:

Diva necklace $29.95

Target have a pretty good stocktake sale on, with 50% off all women's jewellery, I saw these exact earrings in Sportsgirl and almost bought them for $12.95:

Target earrings $7.50

 Forever New have a further 30% off sale stock:

Forever New ankle boots $38.47

Temt didn't seem to have a sale but I spotted these gorgeous jeans at full price:

Temt jeans $14.95 each

I had a credit note for Bardot that needed to be used up and I wanted something I could wear after bub is born:

Bardot Raiders Legging $69.95

I don't ever really go into Jeanswest, it's just not my kind of store. But they were having 40% off storewide including sale stock so I grabbed this:

Jeanswest Square Cardigan $18.00 (image via

The last thing I bought was a pair of shoes for the little mister. It's very hard to find shoes for an 18 month old, they need to have grippy soles as my son loves to run. Size 4 seems to be the hardest to find always!

Pumpkin Patch high tops $23.99

Please keep me posted on your own bargain buys!