Witchery Beach Gather Kaftan
Witchery Beach Gather Kaftan
The second one would look lovely with these sandals that are on sale so I might go back to get them!
Witchery Andy T Bar in Seafoam
(Image via www.witchery.com.au)
I also realised that I never actually showed any pictures of my outdoor setting after we had it all set up. We ended up getting one bench seat as I love that the ends of the table fold down and we can move the bench seat around the deck for extra seating. We took the other cushions back as they were way too small, I didn't think this combination would work but I love love love it! So happy with the whole setting. I keep changing around all the bits and pieces on the table top but this is what's on it at the moment. Will take some better pictures when it's a sunny day!