Sunday 10 February 2013

The Birds

I've had this dress for ages, it has survived many wardrobe culls! It's just one of those chuck on dresses for wearing when I can't be bothered putting an outfit together. It came with a belt but I can't for the life of me remember which one it is and every one that I try on with it sits funny so I wear it without one.

My poor little boy has some kind of virus, it's so heartbreaking to see your children sick :(( Hopefully it's just a 24 hour thing and he wakes up feeling better tomorrow.


  1. Awww your poor little man :(

    Hope he's feeling better

  2. I love dresses like these as you don't need to over style it. Just wear it and that's that. I hope the little one gets better soon. I hate seeing my child sick too as I feel so helpless!

    1. Some days really require outfits like this!

  3. black and white outfit combinations are the best!! (:


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